The Pre-Production Inspection (PPI) is completed after the identification and the evaluation of your vendor / factory and right before the beginning of the actual mass production. It can be completed at the factory or at the vendor office. The aim of the Pre Production Inspection is to make sure your vendor understands your requirements and the specifications of your order and is prepared for its production.
Raw materials and key components of your order, relationship between the factory and the vendor, understanding of your demands by the factory, samples, costs, production schedule and processes, in-house quality control checks and key persons from the vendor and factory (production manager, people who speak English etc).
The Pre Production Inspection will help you to setup the preliminary production test to match the golden sample. By this inspection, you will get a clear vision of the production schedule and get ahead of any possible problems that could affect the quality of your goods. Most of the time, the main reason for production issues and poor quality is not the factory's lack of know-how but rather misunderstandings between you and the manufacturer, which often come from culture and language differences. The Pre Production Inspection will allow you to get past this communication gap and make sure both parties understand each other.
As an international buyer, you are often dealing with poor communication. You want certainty, and you want to make sure your requirements are well understood and that the production will start efficiently with the right materials and the right processes. The pre production inspection will give you peace of mind and is a great way to keep pressure on your vendors while showing your clients that you care.
Is everything well prepared before the production starts?
Are my requirements and specifications (material, color, etc.) well understood?
Is everything ready before mass production?
We can help you implement corrective actions as soon as possible.
Is the factory well prepared to meet my expectations?
Avoid unexpected delays and costs.
Collection of samples
Nighttime overtime
Western Inspector or Western expert
The First Article Inspection (FAI), also called Initial Quality Control, usually happens right after the manufacturer starts producing your first mass production samples. We will send our inspector when 2% to 20% of your ordered quantity has been produced. This product inspection is usually performed at the factory.
A specialized quality engineer will check the status and quantity of the raw materials (not the quality, due to sheer number of raw materials) and components used in the production. During a First Article Inspection, we scrutinize the first production samples according to your approved samples or specifications, cooperation of the factory, double check the understanding of your demands by the factory, production schedule and production processes control and in-house quality control checks.
A First Article Inspection will help you to find a solution if there are any production problems at the beginning stage of manufacturing. It will let you have the time to take action on your production process.
Detect production discrepancies early in order to avoid unnecessary costs and delays.
Implement the necessary corrective actions as soon as possible.
Avoid misunderstandings, usage of wrong materials, wrong colors, etc.
The during Production Inspection (DPI) will take place during production between 20% and 79.9% of the manufacturing process. We check packed and ready to go products.
Product appearance (AQL), workmanship quality, size measurements, weight check, functionality assortment, accessories, labeling & logos, packaging, packing and other tests and special requirements that depends on the product and the export market. The During Production Inspection (DPI) will also cover the raw materials, unfinished products and the planning of production.
We will intervene in the middle of the production process to check if the quality of your products reaches your standards and make sure production is on schedule. We inspect the actual production volume to avoid any delays in your final shipment. Following a During Production Inspection you can still modify the production protocol and still be on time with your order even if we find problems.
Assure that the mass production quality is the same as the main sample:
Implement the necessary corrective actions before having too many defects.
Be aware of the percentage of defects of finished products.
The exact statement of the production planning:
Avoid unnecessary costs and delays.
The Pre Shipment Inspection (PSI), also called the Final Random Inspection (FRI) or Finished Quality Control, will take place when 100% product finished at least 80% of the products are packed . However, you can specify when booking if you want 100% of your order to be ready for this inspection and any other criteria which client need to adopt for this inspection. The pre-shipment inspection will take place at the factory, or inspection location which mention clearly on booking form.
During the Pre-Shipment Inspection, we cover all possible on-site checks of your products: Product appearance (AQL), workmanship, safety and functionality, quantity, assortment, colors/ measurements/ weight, accessories, labeling & logos, packing & packaging, and any other special requirements you may have.
It’s help you to make the best decision. The Pre-Shipment Inspection is the last chance to stay on top of things. If the product quality doesn't meet your requirements, you can cease the shipping process and confront your vendor directly without getting any surprises when you have received the goods.
Discover the types of defects, and what percent of products have defects.
See if product quality meet your expectations and order requirement.
Know whether the shipping marks, packing and labeling are correct.
Find out if the product is working correctly.
Any continuous defect in shipment.
Packing labeling etc. as per standards etc.
The purpose of the Defect Sorting service is to sort out as many products as possible that have known issues (ex: specific cosmetic defects, function problems, or packing imperfections, etc.).
The Defect Sorting Service will help you to sort out the bad products from the good ones. This service is also an efficient way for you to check if your factory has reworked the products as requested and check the percentage of defects in your shipment.
Focus on sorting out any defective products.
Know the seriousness of the quality issues.
Bargain with vendor based on quality issues.
How to ensure there are no defective items in my shipment?
Know the real percentage of defects still affecting your products
Ensure the factory correctly reworks the goods.
Refuse defective shipments.